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My Understanding of SSSS.Gridman’s Akane

Introduction After several years, I have finally watched SSSS.Gridman. I wanna note that I am a big fan of tokusatsu in general, so this one has been a long time coming. Before watching SSSS.Gridman, I wanted to understand a bit more about the original show but I came out realizing that this anime is not…

A Normal Lost Phone and Why You Can Never Go Home

The 2010s were a  time of rapid advancement in video games, both gameplay-wise and most importantly, storywise. Queer narratives in video games were, more or less, unheard of until the last decade, not counting very early PC releases such as 1989’s Caper in the Castro, a charityware game revolving around a lesbian private detective investigating…

Cheer Up! Love and Pompoms Review

(Note: A review I wrote for my now ex-job back in August. I was never paid for this review, my contract having run out. If this seems shorter than my usual stuff, that’s because it is. These were just meant to be short little reviews.) As August skims away into September, so does the summer…

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