October 2021 Updates

The best spooky podcasts to get you ready for Halloween

Hey everyone! So it’s been a hot minute since I’ve been active on this blog. The last like two months blew by really, really quickly. I’ve mostly been working a lot, especially more since the holidays are always an active time for the store where I work. With all the work I’ve been doing, I took a step back from writing to avoid any sort of burnout. I would still prefer for writing to be a job in the future, to make money off of my writing.

Unfortunately, I still am unsure how to monetize my work outside of Ko-Fi. It simply seems I’m not too good at advertising my stuff via SEO. But I’ve decided to keep writing because I enjoy it. To see that my blog, dead for two months, still gets like 10 views a day made me wanna write again. I do have things I want to write, including a piece on Life is Strange: True Colors. But I plan to replay it again to get a better feeling for my opinions on it. In addition, I plan on doing more regarding my Welcome to Blackwell once the remasters release in February. I don’t want to set deadlines for myself, because then I’ll just miss them like I usually do.

The work I’ve done in the past year is some of my favorites. I had the opportunity to be paid for some reviews on another site, but however that contract has come to an end as of August. I will be posting the review that I did not get paid for. It is quite short compared to what I usually write, however I still wish to put it out here. As for the future? What do I wanna do? Well I may narrate some of my previous works and release them on YouTube in a very basic fashion. That may or may not happen. I enjoyed the few things I produced for YouTube, but I’m more of a writer than I am an editor. I do hope to do more with my YouTube in the future.

In addition, I’d love to write an analytical sequel to my We Know the Devil analysis, the piece of writing I am singularly most proud of, on Heaven Will Be Mine. Plans on that are up in the air right now, but it’s something I want to do. There’s actually quite a bit of stuff on my mind lately, and tons more stuff I hope I can write going forward.

I wanna thank anyone who is still here waiting for more. And now that I’ve better adjusted to work life, I think getting content out will be much easier going forward. Thank you for reading, and if you can spare a couple dollars or even just a moment to comment, I would appreciate it. My next post will be going up in a couple of hours, that being the aforementioned pre-written and never paid for review I wrote for my previous contract.

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