Reviews and Opinions

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My Understanding of SSSS.Gridman’s Akane

Introduction After several years, I have finally watched SSSS.Gridman. I wanna note that I am a big fan of tokusatsu in general, so this one has been a long time coming. Before watching SSSS.Gridman, I wanted to understand a bit more about the original show but I came out realizing that this anime is not…

A Normal Lost Phone and Why You Can Never Go Home

The 2010s were a  time of rapid advancement in video games, both gameplay-wise and most importantly, storywise. Queer narratives in video games were, more or less, unheard of until the last decade, not counting very early PC releases such as 1989’s Caper in the Castro, a charityware game revolving around a lesbian private detective investigating…

Cheer Up! Love and Pompoms Review

(Note: A review I wrote for my now ex-job back in August. I was never paid for this review, my contract having run out. If this seems shorter than my usual stuff, that’s because it is. These were just meant to be short little reviews.) As August skims away into September, so does the summer…

October 2021 Updates

Hey everyone! So it’s been a hot minute since I’ve been active on this blog. The last like two months blew by really, really quickly. I’ve mostly been working a lot, especially more since the holidays are always an active time for the store where I work. With all the work I’ve been doing, I…

The Missing: JJ Macfield Thoughts and Analysis

One game that I’ve had sitting on my Steam Library, yet somehow never opened or played, for years has been The Missing: JJ Macfield and the Island of Memories. This game released in 2018, and when it comes to talking about video games that revolve around queer issues and themes, I basically never see anything…

We Know the Devil: Full In-Depth Analysis

With the release of We Know the Devil on Nintendo Switch, I believe it’s time to post my full in-depth analysis and explanation of We Know the Devil. Some of you who follow me may know this was originally intended as a video, and written with that intention. However, with my new work and my…

Knock, Knock, Knockin’ on Hooty’s Door Review

(What’s this?! A new post?! Yeah. I wrote this for Tumblr, but I realized I could also place it here. Funny how you can write so much, not thinking too hard, and then remember you are writing.) So I just watched the newest Owl House and it was one hell of a doozy of an…


Things have been eh right now. Writing was taking me nowhere, so I had to go find a job for money. I will write more, but my job takes up a lot of time. I was hired for closing, so my usual nights where I would find time to write is done for now excluding…

June 1, 2021 PRIDE MONTH Update (Part 1 Uploaded)

No update last week. Don’t worry, I didn’t forget. Last week was a family thing, our dog of fifteen years passed away. As a result, I realized things might be tougher than I imagined and decided to take a week off from working on it. Also I’ve decided to upload this video in parts in…

May 17, 2021 Update (22%)

So barely any progress. Well this time I have an actual excuse. I got my second COVID-19 vaccination last week, and my reaction to it was far worse than my first dose of it. While I am doing much better now, it should probably be said that I didn’t get much done because of it.…


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