May 17, 2021 Update (22%)

Photoshopping for sprites

So barely any progress. Well this time I have an actual excuse. I got my second COVID-19 vaccination last week, and my reaction to it was far worse than my first dose of it. While I am doing much better now, it should probably be said that I didn’t get much done because of it. I did some more voice over and editing, finally finishing the introduction and moving onto the first section by talking about Neptune. I bought the art book for WKTD, so I do have full access to the sprite sheets which makes it easier to get clear images of the characters.

Right now, I realized that the way I’ve been editing has been all wrong. For video clips, I’ve been cutting them up in the same premiere timeline, but I realize with how much I need to do it, and how much I need individual scenes that I need to individually edit these down just so I don’t lose my mind in the premiere timeline. That is my goal for today, at the very least. I’ll continue doing this until I have all the clips rendered out into smaller pieces so they’re easier to edit. I’m still new to editing videos, so I’m learning premiere on my own along the way. I’ll see you next week for another update!

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May 10, 2021 Video Update (20%)

Progress of where I am today

Been a while hasn’t it? I started work on another video, big surprise. This one will be adapting and finishing my talks on We Know the Devil which I had written back in 2020 for Pride Month. Hopefully this will be done by June. I’m tweaking my script here and there, working on both editing and voice over. I’m somewhere around 20% done with the video if going by my script and that’s at 10 minutes. I don’t have too much to say here, I am working hard to get this done. The script has been laying around since February, but I was unsure if I was able to do it. I’ve been enjoying working on it, but I decided you all who still stick around deserved an update.

As a result, I’ll be keeping you all up to date weekly on this project. By setting myself update deadlines, I think I’ll be able to work more productively. This is opposed to setting an absolute project deadline which would just stress me out. Instead, by getting myself to do updates I will be able to keep working. For those of you who have stuck around, thank you. It means the world to me.

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