October 2021 Updates

The best spooky podcasts to get you ready for Halloween

Hey everyone! So it’s been a hot minute since I’ve been active on this blog. The last like two months blew by really, really quickly. I’ve mostly been working a lot, especially more since the holidays are always an active time for the store where I work. With all the work I’ve been doing, I took a step back from writing to avoid any sort of burnout. I would still prefer for writing to be a job in the future, to make money off of my writing.

Unfortunately, I still am unsure how to monetize my work outside of Ko-Fi. It simply seems I’m not too good at advertising my stuff via SEO. But I’ve decided to keep writing because I enjoy it. To see that my blog, dead for two months, still gets like 10 views a day made me wanna write again. I do have things I want to write, including a piece on Life is Strange: True Colors. But I plan to replay it again to get a better feeling for my opinions on it. In addition, I plan on doing more regarding my Welcome to Blackwell once the remasters release in February. I don’t want to set deadlines for myself, because then I’ll just miss them like I usually do.

The work I’ve done in the past year is some of my favorites. I had the opportunity to be paid for some reviews on another site, but however that contract has come to an end as of August. I will be posting the review that I did not get paid for. It is quite short compared to what I usually write, however I still wish to put it out here. As for the future? What do I wanna do? Well I may narrate some of my previous works and release them on YouTube in a very basic fashion. That may or may not happen. I enjoyed the few things I produced for YouTube, but I’m more of a writer than I am an editor. I do hope to do more with my YouTube in the future.

In addition, I’d love to write an analytical sequel to my We Know the Devil analysis, the piece of writing I am singularly most proud of, on Heaven Will Be Mine. Plans on that are up in the air right now, but it’s something I want to do. There’s actually quite a bit of stuff on my mind lately, and tons more stuff I hope I can write going forward.

I wanna thank anyone who is still here waiting for more. And now that I’ve better adjusted to work life, I think getting content out will be much easier going forward. Thank you for reading, and if you can spare a couple dollars or even just a moment to comment, I would appreciate it. My next post will be going up in a couple of hours, that being the aforementioned pre-written and never paid for review I wrote for my previous contract.

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June 1, 2021 PRIDE MONTH Update (Part 1 Uploaded)

No update last week. Don’t worry, I didn’t forget. Last week was a family thing, our dog of fifteen years passed away. As a result, I realized things might be tougher than I imagined and decided to take a week off from working on it. Also I’ve decided to upload this video in parts in the end. Originally it was only going to be a single video, but I realized that I would get no content out ever if I did that. So for now, the plan is uploading this in either one more part or two more. Depends on how much content actually comes from it.

Despite that, I wanna work on this and maybe some more simpler talky videos for Pride Month. Things that are a little more unscripted and mostly my thoughts on some queer stuff I’ve been reading and watching. It might be easier for me to do so to fill out some videos in-between these more researched and written out videos.

I wanna thank you all who have continued reading and such even though I don’t post as much as I’d like to. The videos are sometimes hard for me to focus on, but I wanna get better. Unfortunately, the loss of our dog hit hard and out of nowhere so things kinda got shaken up last week. They’re improving, and hopefully I can turn out content people enjoy. Thanks.

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May 17, 2021 Update (22%)

Photoshopping for sprites

So barely any progress. Well this time I have an actual excuse. I got my second COVID-19 vaccination last week, and my reaction to it was far worse than my first dose of it. While I am doing much better now, it should probably be said that I didn’t get much done because of it. I did some more voice over and editing, finally finishing the introduction and moving onto the first section by talking about Neptune. I bought the art book for WKTD, so I do have full access to the sprite sheets which makes it easier to get clear images of the characters.

Right now, I realized that the way I’ve been editing has been all wrong. For video clips, I’ve been cutting them up in the same premiere timeline, but I realize with how much I need to do it, and how much I need individual scenes that I need to individually edit these down just so I don’t lose my mind in the premiere timeline. That is my goal for today, at the very least. I’ll continue doing this until I have all the clips rendered out into smaller pieces so they’re easier to edit. I’m still new to editing videos, so I’m learning premiere on my own along the way. I’ll see you next week for another update!

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May 10, 2021 Video Update (20%)

Progress of where I am today

Been a while hasn’t it? I started work on another video, big surprise. This one will be adapting and finishing my talks on We Know the Devil which I had written back in 2020 for Pride Month. Hopefully this will be done by June. I’m tweaking my script here and there, working on both editing and voice over. I’m somewhere around 20% done with the video if going by my script and that’s at 10 minutes. I don’t have too much to say here, I am working hard to get this done. The script has been laying around since February, but I was unsure if I was able to do it. I’ve been enjoying working on it, but I decided you all who still stick around deserved an update.

As a result, I’ll be keeping you all up to date weekly on this project. By setting myself update deadlines, I think I’ll be able to work more productively. This is opposed to setting an absolute project deadline which would just stress me out. Instead, by getting myself to do updates I will be able to keep working. For those of you who have stuck around, thank you. It means the world to me.

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What Happened to the Blog?

I haven’t written on this blog for a while. Something I wanted to be a semi-regular occurrence simply vanished. So what happened? Really I think it’s a mix of a bunch of things. Things like burn-out and depression really rule the roost for me a lot of the time.

I love writing, though my mental health issues always do get in the way. In 2019, there was a point where I didn’t write for over seven months due to just burn-out, which usually affects me heavily. Depression makes it hard to keep to the schedule for this site, and I do want to make periodic posts. I’d love to do reviews and analyses and just talk more about the things I really love and enjoy.

I recently also got a small writing job. It’s nothing very important, but it helps me realize writing can be the job I want in the future. Eventually the burn-out will fade, and I’ll be back to writing somewhat more regularly here.

Thank you for bearing with me. I know it’s slow. But I gotta not hurt my health or my works.

Lack of Content Explanation

Depression. I have no excuses. I was taking mucinex for post nasal drip, an issue that causes me to be unable to breathe well when I wake up in the morning. This usually results in daily retching sessions where I try to force my body to evacuate the mucus in my throat. It’s a horrible process and leaves me in pain. The mucinex helped, but the side effects were equally bad on me.

I only just got off the mucinex a couple of days ago. And only now am I feeling a bit better. I apologize for the delays in my writing. There isn’t much of an excuse. I’m sorry. I hope to find the drive to write soon.

Scheduling Update: Going Forward

Wanted to write this to just give everyone a quick update on how posting is going to work here. Despite my efforts, nobody really voted on my strawpoll. I got two votes, plus one I put on Twitter. So in total, three people voted. Two for one day a week, on Fridays, and one for Mondays and Fridays. I decided a compromise would probably be best here.

So going forward I will attempt to post weekly every Friday, starting next week. Topics will be various, essentially me talking about things I feel the need to talk about here. Whether that be comics, TV shows, books, video games, etc. I wanna have a wide variety of different things to talk about here. But every month I’m going to try and post one reader-suggested topic, usually at the end of the month on a Monday. These topics can be suggested to me on Twitter via DMs or you can @ me suggestions as well. I’ll take different ones into consideration, and if multiple people want the same thing, I will do that.

So some of you know, I do have a Ko-Fi for donations. It would help me to get to a better place financially if you donate/buy me a coffee. If you do, let me know with a suggestion for what you want to see, and that topic will be prioritized. If this goes well, I’ll try to bump read-suggested topics to two times a month.

So expect Friday weekly posts. I’m gonna try to hit this mark to keep myself writing. I wanna thank the people who have been reading here, it makes me feel like this blog is worth updating.

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Closing Remarks for June 2020 (Day #30 PM2020)

June just kinda went by, didn’t it? I didn’t write anything or post here for the last couple weeks. There really isn’t a reason for why other than depression happened pretty badly and I couldn’t bring myself to sit down and write here. Not for any real reason, I just suffer from pretty bad depression. It took me about a week to finish TLOU Part II despite how much I thought I was playing. I do have a review in progress in the pipeline for the game, as well as the last part of the We Know the Devil retrospective, which I sadly was hoping to get done for today, but I don’t think I will be able to finish it.

The month has been tumultuous. A lot of things have been ongoing in the world. From several Supreme Court rulings in favor of people who needed it the most to continuing protests, but also a rise in COVID-19 cases. As cases go up, I recommend people take more and more precautions if you leave your home. It’s getting very bad out there, even as other countries start to curb the outbreak, in the United States our idiot citizens continue to believe the pandemic is over. It’s not over by any means, and if anyone does read this please take precaution whether it be for protesting or for simple errands. Wash your hands, wear your gloves, wear your masks, and remember to keep social distancing.

So even though I didn’t achieve my goal for this Pride Month I still am proud of myself. I managed to get some original writing done, and there are some in the pipeline for later. Going forward I have a few things I want to review or talk about. Topics include:

  • The Last of Us Part II Review
    • Status: Work in Progress
  • Havenfall is for Lovers: JD Route Review
    • Status: Not Worked On
  • Paper Girls Review
    • Status: Reading Comic
  • Giant Days Review
    • Status: Not Worked On
  • We Know the Devil True Ending Analysis
    • Status: Work in Progress

These are just a few of the topics I have in mind for completing in July of 2020. Will I complete them all? Probably not. But it’s good to have a list of things I would like to get done. I will also be running a poll to see how many days a week you would like me to write.

LINK TO POLL (Posting Schedule)

I would very much love if you took the time to answer on the poll! Any feedback helps and it’ll help me develop a work schedule so I know when I need to do things. It really would help. I want to develop a proper posting schedule going forward. Thank you for sticking with me so far. I hope to be able to post lots of good stuff going forward!

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